
Meet the team!

Josh Nightingale – Post-doctoral Research Associate

Josh Nightingale
Josh is based at the University of Iceland, and is responsible for the day-to-day running of Global Wader. A ringer of waders since 2009, he completed his PhD in 2023 at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, on the role of juvenile recruitment and settlement in driving range change in Icelandic Black-tailed Godwits, using a combination of tracking and colour-ring data. (Twitter | Orcid)

Camilo Carneiro – Post-doctoral Research Associate

Camilo Carneiro
Camilo is an ornithologist at the South Iceland Research Centre. He has been working mostly on waders over the past 12 years, with a substantial focus on aspects of their migration and movement ecology. His PhD included studying the migration of adult whimbrels (as part of their annual cycle); more recently, he shifted the focus from the adults to the chick and juvenile phases, with questions ranging from the effects of trophic interactions on growth to the ontogeny of migration. (Twitter | Orcid)

José Alves – Principal Investigator

José Alves
A Senior Research Associate with the Universities of Aveiro and Iceland, José is an ecologist with specific interests in the mechanisms by which organisms respond to environmental change with particular attention to migratory systems. He has been studying waders since his PhD, completed in 2010 at the University of East Anglia. (Twitter | Orcid)

Martin Beal – Post-doc Researcher

Martin Beal
Based at University of Lisbon, Portugal, Martin is collaborating with conservation NGOs and researchers from across the East Atlantic Flyway to characterize migratory site networks and identify important connectivity sites based on the movements of several species of shorebird and waterbird. (Twitter | Orcid)

Maria Dias

Maria Dias
Maria is a professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and a researcher at the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (CE3C). Her work is focused on the ecology and conservation of migratory birds, particularly on using animal tracking technology to understand habitat connectivity and to address conservation challenges. Maria was instrumental in setting up the BirdLife International Seabird Tracking Database, and now shares her expertise to develop the Global Wader. (Orcid)

Verónica Méndez

Verónica Méndez
Verónica’s research investigates migratory decisions, individual level responses to environmental change and their consequences for population demography and distribution in a partial migrant population of Eurasian Oystercatcher breeding in Iceland. (Twitter | Orcid)

Theunis Piersma

Theunis Piersma
Affiliated with the University of Groningen and the Royal NIOZ Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, and developing two decades of work by the applied research consortium Global Flyway Network, Theunis recently established BirdEyes-Centre for Global Ecological Change, a research and professional story-telling hub & network that aims to represent the perspective of birds, Theunis brings decades of experience and a global perspective to Global Wader. (Twitter | Orcid)

Tómas Grétar Gunnarsson

Tómas Grétar Gunnarsson
Director of the South Iceland Research Centre, University of Iceland, Tómas researches the ecology and conservation of birds, particularly migratory shorebirds, with particular interest in relationships between habitats and demography. (Orcid)


Gregoire Michel – Masters student

 Gregoire Michel
In order to set up Global Wader, it was important to have an inventory of current publications on shorebird tracking. Greg conducted a systematic literature review, gathering all the knowledge on electronic shorebird tracking at a global level. This work also aims to establish the gaps in knowledge on the subject, and thus indicate where future efforts should be directed. Gregoire did this part of the work during his master internship, when he was a student at the University of La Rochelle, France. (Orcid)
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header photo by Verónica Méndez